GoogleIOExtended Sri Lanka — We Need More Events Like This

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work in Singapore, a country renowned for its rapid technological advancements and lively tech community. Every day, there were numerous meetups, both free and paid, focusing on cutting-edge tech trends like AI, Blockchain, AR/VR, and the Metaverse etc. These events were often hosted by tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, along with emerging tech companies and startups. Anyone could attend these sessions, learn, and network with some of the brightest minds in the industry and their peers.

Singapore’s Investment in Technology

Singapore’s government and tech community has made substantial investments in technology to position the country at the forefront of global innovation. This strategic focus has transformed Singapore into a tech hub, attracting top talent and creating a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. The impact of these investments is evident in the country’s rapid technological adoption and the thriving ecosystem of startups and established tech companies.

The Situation in Sri Lanka

In contrast, Sri Lanka, despite having a high percentage of IT graduates, lags behind in technology adoption by more than six years compared to Singapore. In government services, this gap extends to more than 12 years. As WSO2 founder Sanjiva highlighted, the percentage of graduates turning towards IT in Sri Lanka is impressively higher than even in India. However, these new talents need to be empowered with the latest technologies and given opportunities to network and collaborate.

Challenges Faced by IT Graduates

One of the significant challenges in Sri Lanka is the lack of capacity among local companies to provide internships for all IT graduates. While these graduates need jobs to survive, they face intense competition. Even those who start their own startups struggle to succeed without adequate support from the government, industry mentors.

No tech company can thrive in isolation; collaboration and mutual support are crucial for success.

Seizing Opportunities

I was delighted to see nearly a thousand participants at the Google I/O Extended event in Sri Lanka, eager to learn about Google technologies. The organizing team has worked tirelessly to ensure the event’s success. The sessions covered various topics, including Google AI technologies, web technologies, entrepreneurship, mobile AI, applications of AI in enterprises and AI agents. As a speaker, I watched all the other sessions and I even learned, gaining insights to make informed decisions about the future.

The event provided a vast network of IT professionals and industry leaders, offering invaluable opportunities to discuss problems and solutions as the biggest networking event so far in this year.

Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning and Collaboration

We need to see more events like Google IO Extended happening every day in Sri Lanka, where all participants talk about building the country and startups with cutting-edge technologies. We have the brightest brains in South Asia. Whether you are a graduate from a state university or a private university does not matter. All you need is the mindset to move forward and help others build the nation.

Accelerating with AI Technologies and Tools

To truly accelerate our progress, we must embrace AI technologies and tools. These technologies can significantly enhance productivity, innovation, and efficiency across various sectors. By integrating AI into our daily practices and creating a culture of continuous learning, we can keep pace with rapid advancements and ensure our country’s technological growth.

Changing the Mindset

A fundamental shift in mindset is necessary to drive progress. The notion that everything should be free, a mindset propagated by politicians, needs to be reconsidered.

Even when you watch a free YouTube video, you are paying the creator with your time by watching ads. Similarly, browsing Facebook involves trading your time for providing data for marketing. Time is more valuable than money, as it can be converted into any amount of money if used wisely. Starting a tech business requires money to invest in servers, services, and more. If you are studying at a private university, either you or your parents are paying for your education.

The Importance of Mindset and Financial Management

Whether you pay your money or receive it for free does not matter; If you get something for free, it might save you pocket money, but you might pay for it in thousands in terms of your time.

Whatever the knowledge and skills you gain will reward you with millions in your future.

Effective personal finance management is crucial; it is up to you to manage your resources wisely and invest for future you.

A Call to Action

It’s all about how we perceive and seize opportunities. Rather than waiting for someone to provide knowledge and skills for free, we must take the initiative. Utilize your time effectively, spend money on your future gains, build your skills, conduct experiments, and create new things. Support others in building startups and contribute to the growth of the tech community.

By embracing a proactive mindset and fostering a culture of collaboration, Sri Lanka can bridge the technological gap and emerge as a formidable player in the global tech arena.

Let’s learn from Singapore’s success and work together to empower our IT graduates, support local businesses, and drive innovation forward. Let’s create a culture where daily tech events inspire and equip us to build a better future for our nation.

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